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Kolya and Tanya
SourceA very interesting counting problem. There are possible ways to distribute coins, and 7 ways for each group to have 6 coins in total.
n = int(input())
print((27 ** n - 7 ** n) % (10 ** 9 + 7))
SourceGreedily remove a block from the highest tower and add it to the shortest one until there are no more operations available.
n, k = map(int, input().split())
ops = 0
height = list(map(int, input().split()))
ans = []
while(ops < k):
pos_lo, lo = min(enumerate(height), key=lambda x: x[1])
pos_hi, hi = max(enumerate(height), key=lambda x: x[1])
if(hi == lo):
height[pos_lo] += 1
height[pos_hi] -= 1
ans.append((pos_hi + 1, pos_lo + 1))
ops += 1
print(max(height) - min(height), ops)
print('\n'.join(str(x) + ' ' + str(y) for (x, y) in ans))
SourceTest all possibilities in O(len(a) * len(b))
class Cdgame:
def rescount(self, a, b):
sa = sum(a)
sb = sum(b)
s = set()
for i in a:
for j in b:
s.add((sa-i+j) * (sb-j+i))
return len(s)
SourceThe best way to add a new '+' is to add it on the left side of the string. Add new '+' signs to the string and calculate its negativity until it reaches a value less than or equal to k.
class Drbalance:
def lesscng(self, s, k):
s = list(s)
def neg(s):
n = 0
for i in range(1, len(s)+1):
n += s[:i].count('+') < s[:i].count('-')
return n
ans = 0
while(neg(s) > k):
s[s.index('-')] = '+'
ans += 1
return ans
SourceFor each idol get the song with the max happiness value and add them all.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class LiveConcert {
int maxHappiness(vector <int> h, vector <string> s) {
map<string,int> song;
int n = s.size();
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
if(song.find(s[i]) != song.end())
song[s[i]] = h[i] > song[s[i]] ? h[i] : song[s[i]];
else song[s[i]] = h[i];
int ans = 0;
for(map<string,int> :: iterator it = song.begin(); it != song.end(); it++)
ans += it -> second;
return ans;
SourceIt's not hard to prove that the order in which the operations are performed does not change the final result.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class CombiningSlimes {
int maxMascots(vector <int> a) {
int ans = 0;
while(a.size() > 1){
int x = a.back(); a.pop_back();
int y = a.back(); a.pop_back();
a.push_back(x + y);
ans += x*y;
return ans;
I found out that using Atom plus a terminal visor (iTerm, TotalTerminal) is a good enough way of writing solutions in python and c++, we'll see how that goes during a competition.