Blog-o de Ganso
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Simple DP



This is a problem I've solved many times and for some reason every time I revisit it, I manage to get it wrong the first time. The thing here is that one is tempted to write a simple sorting routine or try to accommodate each flower by looking only at the flowers that have already been planted ಠ_ಠ. The key insight here is that we should plant the largest flower that can be placed in front of all flowers left to plant. With this in mind, the solution becomes quite simple. I wrote the solution in c++ just because and with readability in mind (the flower struct and the sorting routine are not necessary, for example).


using namespace std;

struct flower{
  flower(int height, int bloom, int wilt) : height(height), bloom(bloom), wilt(wilt) {}
  int height, bloom, wilt;
  bool operator < (const flower& that) const{
    return this -> height < that.height;

bool overlap(const flower& first, const flower& second){
  if (first.bloom <= second.bloom)
  return first.wilt >= second.bloom;
  return second.wilt >= first.bloom;

class FlowerGarden {
vector <int> getOrdering(vector <int> height, vector <int> bloom, vector <int> wilt) {
  int n = height.size();
  vector<flower> flowers;
  vector<bool> planted = vector<bool>(n, false);
  vector<int> ans;
  int flowers_left = n;

  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      flowers.push_back(flower(height[i], bloom[i], wilt[i]));
  sort(flowers.begin(), flowers.end());

    int next = -1;
    for(int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--){
      next = i;
      for(int j = 0; next != -1 && j < n; j++){
        if(i == j || planted[j])
        if(overlap(flowers[i], flowers[j]) && flowers[i].height > flowers[j].height)
          next =- 1;
      if(next != -1)
    planted[next] = true;
  return ans;



To deal with the circular neighborhood, we can solve two linear problems: one containing all elements except the first and one containing all elements except the last. Now, the solution can be done recursively (python code below) or using a bottom up dp approach (c++).

memo = dict()

def f(donations):
    if(tuple(donations) in memo):
        return memo[tuple(donations)]
    if(len(donations) < 3):
        return max(donations)
    if(len(donations) == 3):
        return max(donations[0] + donations[2], donations[1])
    memo[tuple(donations)] = max(donations[0] + f(donations[2:]), f(donations[1:]))
    return memo[tuple(donations)]

class BadNeighbors:
    def maxDonations(self, donations):
        return max(f(donations[:-1]), f(donations[1:]))

Since each of the linear problems can be solved using a one-dimensional array dp_i=max(dp_i1,dp_i2+donation_i)dp\_{i} = max(dp\_{i-1},dp\_{i-2} + donation\_{i}) , we can solve the circular dependency problem by having a two-column table where the first column contains the best solution so far without taking the first element (first subproblem) and the second column taking it into account (second subproblem).

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

int dp[50][2];

class BadNeighbors {
	int maxDonations(vector <int> donations) {
		int n = donations.size();
		dp[0][0] = 0;
		dp[0][1] = donations[0];
		dp[1][0] = donations[1];
		dp[1][1] = max(donations[0], donations[1]);
		for(int i = 2; i < n; i++){
			int &money = donations[i];
			dp[i][0] = max(money + dp[i-2][0], dp[i-1][0]);
			dp[i][1] = max(money + dp[i-2][1], dp[i-1][1]);
		return max(dp[n-1][0], dp[n-2][1]);



This is a longest increasing subsequence problem with a twist. Just keep track of the sign of each state and solve accordingly.

public class ZigZag{
   public int longestZigZag(int[] seq){
    int n = seq.length, best = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        boolean[] neg = new boolean[n];
        int[] dp = new int[n];
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
          if(i == 0)
                dp[i] = 1;
                for(int j=0; j < i; j++){
                    if(seq[j] == seq[i])
                    if( (dp[j] == 1 || neg[j] != seq[j] > seq[i]) && dp[i] < dp[j] + 1){
                      neg[i] = seq[j] > seq[i];
                        dp[i] = dp[j] + 1;  
            best = Math.max(best, dp[i]);
        return best;



The code speaks for itself.

import java.util.*;

public class Hawaiian{

	public String[] getWords(String sentence){
		String words[] = sentence.split("\\s+");
		List<String> hawaiian = new ArrayList<>();
		for(String word : words)
		return hawaiian.toArray(new String[hawaiian.size()]);